20 Sep, 2024

Car Note Hacks

A car is a wonderful thing. It gets you to and from work, vacations, and all the destinations you wish to go to. Car shopping is also exciting. You get to pick out what you want, with all the specs you want, and test drive your selection. Once you have picked out what you like, […]

2 mins read

Ways to Reduce Business Debt

Much like personal debt, business debt can get out of control quickly. A slow sales month, a lawsuit, an increase in vendor rates, the sudden need to hire a new employee, an unexpected maintenance or repair bill, or customers not paying outstanding balances on time, can set you back thousands of dollars. Sure, you may […]

4 mins read

How to Tithe When in Debt

The church is a powerful institution. We go there to worship, pray, and spiritual healing. It brings together family and community under one roof. The church is a place where the music and the sermon uplift the masses. We give our thanks not only by showing up but without tithes and offerings. Sometimes our financial […]

2 mins read