3 mins read

Fast ways to save money 

If you’re the kind of person that gets to the end of each month and is afraid to check your bank balance, you’re not alone. Fear of checking on your finances and relying on pay day to make everything alright again is a relatively common feature of modern life. That’s why we’re going to look into fast ways to save more of your hard earned cash.

We’ll begin with making sure that you have checked your eligibility for certain payments to which you may be entitled. For example, read more information on VA Disability for Tinnitus to see if you could be missing out. Checking now could mean that you find out more information on your entitlements – make sure you don’t fail to claim money that you are owed.   

Share your entertainment bill 

Most of us love nothing more than sitting back to enjoy an evening of TV shows and movies. There are many streaming services available, and most of the time, these streaming services offer deals whereby multiple users can make use of a single account. Speak to your friends and family about the streaming services they are using, and where you appear to be making regular use of the same services, agree to split the cost. This can mean significant savings where you pay for more than one streaming service and where a group of people agree to share the cost (e.g. three people, four people, or perhaps even higher numbers than those, where the streaming service allows). 

Turn down the thermostat 

Home heating can be a major drain on your personal finances over the cooler months. A simple but understandable mistake made by many people returning home from work to a cold home is to turn the thermostat up much higher than is needed in an effort to heat the home faster. However, what is important to understand is that your home heating system has limits, and cannot heat your home any faster than the rate at which it normally works. This means that by turning your thermostat up high, you will not benefit from faster heating, but you will increase your energy bill.

Upgrade your home light bulbs 

LED is not a new technology, but not all homes are currently fitted with LED bulbs. This is surprising, as the savings that can be made and the lifespan of the bulb generally outweigh the competition by a considerable distance. For example, in comparison to a legacy candescent bulb which only lasts around 1000 hours, LED bulbs can last anywhere from 10,000 – 30,000 hours plus (depending on the size of the bulb and the manufacturer). The money spent on keeping an LED bulb lit is also significantly less than lighting other competitor bulbs.  

Review your outgoings 

Your outgoings could be letting your bank balance down without you even knowing it. Things like memberships to clubs that you rarely attend or payments to different organisations that you set up long ago could be draining your funds unnecessarily. Review your outgoings and cancel all unneeded payments. 

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