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Making Cents of Budgets: A Sample Budgeting Plan for Those with Bad Financial Habits

Although creating a sample budgeting plan is a complex process, it helps you plan your finances. A third of Americans maintain a household budget while 30% of Americans have a financial plan. In this plan, most households have included their investment and savings goal.

Years after the Recession, half of Americans are still living paycheck to paycheck. As such, they are not prepared for any financial emergency. Simply put, they have nothing to set aside to cover unexpected emergencies.

The good news is you can turn around such a financial situation by preparing a budget. As such, you get to have extra cash to handle any unexpected emergencies.

Want to know how to make a budget.

Read on and learn how to make a sample budgeting plan for those with bad financial habits.

1. Determine Your Income

How much are you earning in a week or month? By determining your income, you can prioritize your expenses and ensure wise spending. If you have one income, record the amount.

If you are making any extra income from home business or freelancing jobs, include the amounts. This is the same with income such as child support, dividends, alimony, and any rental income.

2. Prioritize Your Expenses in Your Sample Budgeting Plan

How much are you spending in a month? Are you renting a home or paying a mortgage? Do you have a car? Are you paying for utility bills or are you living off the grid?

Are you paying any college tuition or student loan? By listing all your expenses, you make it easier to get the most accurate financial picture. Now that you have listed the expenses, calculate your monthly expenses.

The reason for doing so is to ensure you have a realistic sample budgeting plan. Don’t forget to include unexpected bills such as car and home repairs.

3. Set Debt Payoff Goals

This section helps you set clear goals and focus on debt repayment. If you fail to repay your debts, your credit score will reduce.

This is not what you want. If your credit score is not good, you will be locked out of many financial opportunities. Having realistic debt pay off goals allows you to cut on insignificant items such as eating out.

This enables you to cut expenses and pay off your debts. Check out the pay stub maker software to ensure accurate calculations.

4. Have an Emergency Fund

It is important to structure your budget and provide money for your emergency fund. To do so, cut back on your expenses. If you have already done so, then start making small payments on your credit card balances.

Once you pay off for high-interest cards, begin paying off other debts. Experts recommend setting aside at least 6 months of wages as your emergency fund. Remember, always access your credit report to ensure no errors are present.

5. Track Your Income and Spending

A lot of people conclude that creating a budget is enough. Well, it’s not. You have to track your income and expense every month. By keeping track of your budget, you avoid any instances of splurging your income.

Not only that. It encourages you to have a saving culture. The more you save, the more you become financially independent.

How to Make a Budget and Stick to It

To make an easy to use sample budgeting plan, use free cloud-based software. As such, you can track your income and expenses while on the go. Not only that. You can update or review your budget anytime you want.

Don’t forget to create an incentive system, and plan for income fluctuation.

Looking for tips on how to get out of debt? Grab our free ebook and reclaim your financial situation.

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