10 Online Frugal Community You Should Follow Now
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10 Online Frugal Community You Should Follow Now

Online Frugal Community

It’s not always easy sticking to a plan to save money. There are just too many temptations to slip away from your goals. However, you can boost your chances of success with some good habits. For example, you can get the support of an online frugal community to help reduce the likelihood of slipping. There are some great ones out there for you to check out.

How An Online Frugal Community Helps You

There are, of course, many different types of online communities. Therefore, you’ll have to figure out what you’re looking for and find a good match. That said, some of the most common benefits of joining an online frugal community include:

  • Accountability. By checking in and reporting to others about your spending and saving, you’re more likely to think twice about straying from your frugal goals.
  • Ideas, Inspiration, Tips, and Hacks. No matter how much you know about frugal living, there are always new tips to help you save more. Crowdsource those tips through these communities.
  • Support. Sometimes you just aren’t doing well at meeting your goals. This can make you feel like there’s no point kin continuing to try. However, your group can provide the support you need to shore you up during those times.

These are just a few examples. Some people find true friendship, business partners, and more in these types of groups.

Online Frugal Communities

According to CNBC, the five best online frugal community groups you might want to consider joining today are:

  1. Reddit. They actually recommend nine different subreddits including “credit repair” and “poverty finance” but you might want to start with r/Frugal. In addition to these nine, you can do an online search for frugal subreddits and you’ll come up with a huge list of options.
  2. Financial Common Cents Facebook Group. This one provides support for people looking to repair credit, get out of debt, and begin saving up money.
  3. Bravely website and social media. Described as “a community that gives self-identified women the financial tools to bridge the gap between their dreams and their realities.”
  4. Bogleheads Forum. People share all kinds of information and thoughts about all aspects of personal finance here.
  5. Your Money And Your Life. This is NPR’s Facebook community for people looking to learn more about saving money.

Some of the other best online frugal communities we recommend include:

  1. Saving Advice Forums. People come here to talk about all different aspects of money with an emphasis on saving and frugality.
  2. Frugal Money Smart Minimalists. This is a Facebook group for people who want to use minimal living principles to live frugally.
  3. Frugal Living Tips and Tricks That Work. This is one of the most popular public Facebook groups for the topic.
  4. Everything Frugal. This is a private Facebook book that you can join to connect with people about frugal living. With over 100,000 members and 10+ posts daily, there’s a treasure trove of information here.
  5. Frugal Women 101. If you are a woman seeking to connect with other woman on this topic, then this is a great place to start.

These are some of the best options. However, there are groups all over from Facebook to blog platforms to Meetup groups and more.

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