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5 of the Best Gig Jobs During the Coronavirus Pandemic

best gig jobs during coronavirus

In just one week, 6.6 million Americans signed up for unemployment benefits. The number brought the total of claims during the coronavirus to over 17 million. Furloughs and layoffs continue to be commonplace. Leaving many suddenly without income. As a result, people from all walks of life are looking for gig jobs that can help them navigate the coronavirus pandemic. Luckily, there are quite a few options to choose from. These give people alternative employment during these trying times. If you’re looking to bring in some cash. Here are five of the best gig jobs during the coronavirus pandemic.

1. Grocery Delivery

As people shy away from gathering in groups or heading to potentially crowded spaces. Grocery delivery has become increasingly popular. If you are open to handling a person’s shopping list and bringing the items to their door. Signing up with a grocery delivery service could be a lucrative gig. Plus, getting started is relatively easy thanks to platforms like Instacart and Shipt.

Usually, the work itself is relatively simple. A customer creates a shopping list through the app. Once you receive it and accept the gig. You work through that list, grabbing every item that is available. After finishing the list, noting whether a product is out of stock or if any similar issues arrive. You navigate checkout, grab the bags, and load them in your vehicle. Finally, you bring them to the customer’s door. Following any instructions (such as contactless delivery) that are part of the gig.

2. Restaurant Delivery

If you don’t necessarily want to handle the shopping part, then there’s another route that may be a better fit. While most restaurants are barred from seating dine-in customers, they are still allowed to have delivery and takeout services. Platforms like Uber Eats, GrubHub, and DoorDash are solid places to start.

Delivering with these platforms is typically straightforward. A customer submits an order and, if you’re available, you can pick up the assignment. You head to the restaurant and, once you arrive, pick up the order from a restaurant employee. After that, you take the food to the customer. All of the directions you need to get to each destination show up in the app, so you’re essentially guided through the process every time.

If you prefer, you could also check into opportunities with specific restaurants in your area. Those that traditionally offer their own delivery may be looking for additional drivers, as well, especially if they are having trouble keeping up with demand. While these may not technically qualify as gigs, many of these positions could be short-term, especially if demand decreases after the coronavirus pandemic subsides.

3. Online Tutoring

Schools all across the country have been closed for weeks. While many school districts have pumped up their online resources and are trying to guide parents who are now in charge of their children’s education, that isn’t enough for some students. As a result, many parents are turning to online tutors to help ensure their kids don’t fall behind.

If you have a background in education, a service like Varsity Tutors could be a great place to look for an opportunity. Tutors.com, Chegg, and TutaPoint.com are also worth exploring.

It’s important to note that most reputable online tutoring services do have requirements for tutors. You’ll need to clearly demonstrate your expertise, usually by having a college degree that relates to the subject or education in general. However, some are certainly stricter than others. Additionally, you might be able to find independent opportunities through sites like Craigslist that don’t have those requirements, making it a solid option for anyone who knows their stuff but didn’t study it in college specifically.

4. Amazon Package Delivery

To put it simply, Amazon is being overrun with orders. In an attempt to handle the sudden influx, the company is hiring thousands of workers. If you’re looking for a flexible gig that can help you make ends meet during the outbreak, driving for Amazon Flex might be your ideal option. You can control your schedule and bring in between $18 and $25 an hour, which is a pretty strong pay rate.

The process with Amazon Flex is simple. You can check the schedule and accept or decline shifts. Making the decision quickly is a must as, if you delay, the shift may go to someone else who acted faster.

Once you have a shift, you’ll get details about your pickup location. There, you’ll load up with packages before heading off to make deliveries. Once you finish your route, you confirm it’s complete. If anything went undelivered for any reason, you bring those back to the pickup station.

5. Digital Freelance Work

If your professional (or personal) skills translate well in the digital world, then using them to land freelance gigs could be a smart move. There’s a nearly constant call for writers, graphic designers, app developers, social media managers, data analysts, and tons of other specialists who can complete projects entirely online.

Anyone who has a well-developed skill could potentially find opportunities. Platforms like Upwork, Fiverr, Toptal, Guru, and Freelancer are all great places to start, so consider exploring which niches are well-covered on each one and see if one (or more) feels like a solid fit.

If you are going to go this route, you will need a few things available. Having access to the core software you need to perform the tasks is essential, as resources like that usually aren’t supplied by the clients. Additionally, having a reasonably powerful computer and internet connection is likely critical, ensuring you can complete assignments in a timely manner.


Do you know of any other great gig jobs that people can try during the coronavirus pandemic? Tell us about them in the comments below.


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