Frugal Lifestyle
6 Ways to Lower Your Internet Bill
Many people are constantly looking for ways to save money. Perhaps you have developed a budget that you intend to rely on. If you are looking for ways to save money, you may be overlooking your internet bill. Here’s a look at different ways that you can lower your internet bill. 1. Lower Your Internet […]
Can You Curb Overspending?
I am not a personal fan of having a budget. Instead, I typically set everything from bills to savings and investments on auto-draft. Whatever is left after my responsibilities are taken care of, I spend on whatever I want. However, with the use of credit cards and not actively checking my card balance, sometimes I […]
Feeling The Pinch of Price Hikes?
It seems like the cost of everything is going up lately. I can’t tell you how many times I look at something and think about how much cheaper it was a few years ago. It seems like overnight, things have just gotten more and more costly, but is there anything we can do about it? […]
10 Online Frugal Community You Should Follow Now
It’s not always easy sticking to a plan to save money. There are just too many temptations to slip away from your goals. However, you can boost your chances of success with some good habits. For example, you can get the support of an online frugal community to help reduce the likelihood of slipping. There […]
Natural and Cheap Appliance Stain Remover
Appliances, especially stainless steel appliances, do get dirty. You want to clean them so that they shine. However, you want to be gentle with them so that you don’t scratch them. These natural and cheap appliance stain remover ideas will help you get the job done. 9 Natural and Cheap Appliance Stain Remover Ideas You […]
Productive Activities That Don’t Cost Money
Sometimes it can feel like you have to spend money in order to be productive. However, there are actually so many different productive activities that don’t cost money at all. This list will get you started with ideas to stay busy, enjoy life, progress personally and professionally, and yet not spend money. Start At The […]
Garden For Cheap
It’s almost time to get back outside in the garden. A couple of weeks ago, my special needs garden club got together to start seeds indoors. They picked a variety of items like ground cherries, peppers, tomatoes, table melons, and herbs to plant. We got warming mats and lights set up inside, and our plants […]
Saving On Rideshare Services
I recently came off of a trip to LA last week. It was an amazing time and I enjoyed riding through the different parts of the city. I am totally in love with Venice Beach and had a great time walking the strip in Hollywood. One thing I did notice is how spread apart the […]
Steps to Zero Waste
Recently I started reading Anita Vandyke’s book, “A Zero Waste Life in Thirty Days.” She provides solid reasons about why we should reduce our waste in all areas of our life. Most importantly, it’s good for the environment. However, she’s the first to admit that she started this journey because she needed to save money. […]
How To Drive Luxury Cars for Free
Have you always wanted to drive a fancy, expensive car? Just because you want to doesn’t mean you think it’s financially feasible to do so. However, maybe it’s easier than you think. Here’s how to drive luxury cars for free. The Basics of How to Drive Luxury Cars For Free If you watch videos on […]