20 Jan, 2025

Can You Curb Overspending?

I am not a personal fan of having a budget. Instead, I typically set everything from bills to savings and investments on auto-draft. Whatever is left after my responsibilities are taken care of, I spend on whatever I want. However, with the use of credit cards and not actively checking my card balance, sometimes I […]

2 mins read

Garden For Cheap

It’s almost time to get back outside in the garden. A couple of weeks ago, my special needs garden club got together to start seeds indoors. They picked a variety of items like ground cherries, peppers, tomatoes, table melons, and herbs to plant. We got warming mats and lights set up inside, and our plants […]

3 mins read

Steps to Zero Waste

Recently I started reading Anita Vandyke’s book, “A Zero Waste Life in Thirty Days.” She provides solid reasons about why we should reduce our waste in all areas of our life. Most importantly, it’s good for the environment. However, she’s the first to admit that she started this journey because she needed to save money. […]

4 mins read